
Ready to Address the Root Causes Without Upending Your Life?

Discover tailored Lifestyle Medicine Prescriptions that offer a balanced approach to lasting wellbeing, seamlessly fitting into your daily routine.

Are you facing ongoing health challenges such as digestive issues, mood fluctuations, inflammatory conditions, sleep disturbances, or chronic stress? Do you feel caught in a cycle of unhealthy habits that seem difficult to break? You're not alone. Many of us find ourselves trapped in a loop of trendy diets and quick-fix solutions that promise rapid results but fail to address the root causes of our health concerns. It's time to embrace a different perspective – one that recognies the intricate connection between your lifestyle choices and your overall wellbeing.

Lifestyle Medicine offers a comprehensive, evidence-based solution to these challenges. This approach draws parallels with Eastern medicine principles, viewing wellbeing as a state of balance and emphasising prevention alongside treatment. Like these honoured traditions, Lifestyle Medicine focuses on treating the whole person and preventing lifestyle-related health issues. Instead of addressing symptoms in isolation, it examines the complete picture – nutrition, physical activity, stress levels, sleep patterns, and social connections. True health is more than the absence of disease; it's about thriving in all aspects of life.

Lifestyle Medicine Prescriptions

Address root causes of health issues without disrupting your entire life. These evidence-based strategies integrate smoothly into existing routines, avoiding complicated plans that become stressors themselves. Focusing on small, manageable changes, recommendations are tailored to your unique health profile and circumstances, enhancing wellbeing without adding unnecessary complexity. Ready to discover how simple adjustments can profoundly improve your wellbeing?

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”

~ World Health Organisation (WHO)

Personalised Lifestyle Medicine Pathways

Choose your ideal level of support: Comprehensive initial assesment, focused follow-ups, or a complete year-long wellbeing journey. 

Initial Consultation


Comprehensive Wellbeing Assessment and Personalised Prescription

  • 75-minute in-depth wellbeing consultation
  • Comprehensive wellbeing and lifestyle assessment
  • Exploration of nutrition and lifestyle factors
  • Personalised Lifestyle Medicine Prescription
  • Initial recommendations for implementing change
Book Your Assessment

Complete Wellbeing Package


Complete Wellbeing Package Comprehensive Year-Long Support for Lasting Change

  • 1 x 75-minute initial consultation
  • 3 x 60-minute follow-up sessions
  • Personalised Lifestyle Medicine Prescription with regular updates
  • Deeper dive into various lifestyle medicine aspects 
  • Price: $600 (Save $100 compared to booking separately)
Invest in Your Wellbeing

Follow-Up Consultation


Progress Review and Prescription Refinement

  • 60-minute session
  • Review and refinement of your Lifestyle Medicine Prescription
  • Addressing challenges and obstacles
  • Integration strategies for recommended changes
  • Recommended 1-2 per year
Schedule Your Follow-Up

How to Know if Lifestyle Medicine Prescriptions are Right for You...

  • You're ready to address the root causes of your health concerns, not just manage symptoms.
  • You're interested in a science-based approach that considers your whole health picture, from nutrition to sleep to movement to stress management.
  • You're looking for personalised health strategies that fit into your existing lifestyle without causing additional stress.
  • You've tried various health interventions but haven't found a sustainable approach that works for your unique situation.
  • You're committed to making lasting changes to improve your health but need guidance on where to start and how to proceed.
  • You're curious about how lifestyle factors impact your health and want to learn evidence-based strategies to optimise your wellbeing.
  • You're seeking a balanced approach to health that doesn't require extreme diets or intense workout regimens.
  • You want to take a proactive role in your health journey and are ready to implement tailored recommendations.
  • You're interested in preventing future health issues as well as addressing current concerns.

If these resonate with you, my personalised Lifestyle Medicine Prescriptions can provide you with evidence-based strategies and practical tools to create sustainable improvements in your health and overall quality of life.

“Once people understand that diet impacts their mental health and brain health, they really respond. It's empowering because it's something people can do for themselves”

~ Professor Felice Jacka

Your Path to Sustainable Wellbeing: The Lifestyle Medicine Process

Initial Consultation

Engage in a comprehensive 75-minute wellbeing assessment. We'll explore current lifestyle practices and wellbeing aspirations. This in-depth discussion helps identify key areas for change and sets the foundation for your personalised Lifestyle Medicine Prescription.

Lifestyle Medicine Prescription

Within five days of your consultation, you'll receive your tailored Lifestyle Medicine Prescription via email. This detailed plan may include recommendations for nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and sleep, all designed to fit seamlessly into your daily life.

Follow-Up Options

Choose to book a 60-minute follow-up session to review your progress, address any challenges, and refine your lifestyle medicine prescription as needed. This step ensures ongoing support and allows for adjustments to optimise your wellbeing journey.

Your Nutritionist, Kylie

Kylie, a BHSci Nutritionist, combines evidence-based nutrition science with honoured wellbeing practices. Her approach integrates cutting-edge nutritional and lifestyle knowledge with mind-body techniques, guiding clients towards sustainable health transformations. Kylie's unique perspective, enriched by her extensive mind-body studies, allows her to offer comprehensive, personalised nutrition plans that nourish mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

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